Campbell Collections


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DESTINATIONS durban Do & See Campbell Collections

Campbell Collections

The former home of Sir Marshall Campbell and his family, this Cape Dutch building has been converted into a museum complex containing unique artifacts of Zulu and Natal culture meticulously collected by the Campbell family over several decades. Do not miss the on-site William Campbell Furniture Museum and Mashu Museum of Ethnology.

Do & See

Durban's offerings extend far beyond beaches to a plethora of cultural pursuits, from historic homes-turned-museums of colonial sugar barons (think the Campbell Collections) to hip, grassroots art spaces taken over by young local talents (such as the BAT centre). Durban is home to an impressive marine theme park called uShaka, and frequently plays hosts to major cultural events, such as performances by its very own KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra and Playhouse Company, as well as international events such as the Mamas (MTV Africa Music Awards).